We Make Connections —Participate in Fun Competition—
and Serve Our Community!
We are an active and lively community of pickleball enthusiasts who play year-round on indoor and outdoor courts in the Klamath Basin. Our mission is to promote the growth and development of pickleball in the basin; to actively support the building of new pickleball courts, both indoor and outdoor, to support the maintenance, of existing courts; to promote educational outreach in the basin for all interested parties with special focus on seniors, veterans, and youth, teaching all the game of pickleball; and to provide healthy, recreational activity for all basin residents, their families, and guests. Come join in the fun and learn the fastest growing new sport in America!
Our Goal
Klamath Basin Pickleball Association’s goal is to create a unique pickleball opportunity where beginners and veterans are treated equally, sportsmanship is more important than wins and losses, competition is strong but not relentless, and where people are more important than the game.
Come join us!!